Blood donation Essay gives us many benefits as follows: A person requires a lot of blood when he has a serious illness or accident, then too much blood gets lost from his body. But donating blood enhances their health status and removes their critical blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins A research says if participants between the age group of 43 and 61 donate blood every six months then they are at a lower risk of getting heart attacks and strokes. Reduce the Risk of Cancer: The risk of cancer such as liver, lung, colon and throat cancers can be reduced by consistent blood donation. This is because the iron stored in the body is maintained at a Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins Jun 04, · Blood Donation Essay. Blood donation is a charitable practice that is done to help individuals suffering from blood loss due to some illness or accident. Blood is the most important building block and fundamental component of a human body and its excessive loss from the body can lead to the death of a person if it is not transfused at the right blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins
Blood Donation Importance - Words | Essay Example
Learn how to write blood donation essay in or words. Importance of blood donation essay is asked in 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, essay on blood donation, 9, 10, 11 and 12 class. Kids essay on blood donation in English language.
Blood donation is a charitable practice that is done to help individuals suffering from blood loss due to some illness or accident. Blood is the most important building block and fundamental component of a human body and its excessive loss from the body can lead to the death of a person if it is not transfused at the right time. Therefore, blood donation saves the life of many people every year. There are various reasons for blood requirement such as the person may be suffering from anaemia, essay on blood donation, or he has a condition like thalassemia or maybe he met with an accident and lost a huge amount of blood.
So blood donation helps such people to get a new life and coming out of their critical condition. Blood donation is a kind and generous gesture and also symbolizes responsibility and humanity towards society. Donating blood is not harmful to the body as doctors say that donating litres of blood every 6 months makes your body fit and fine as the body produces new cells after depletion of the old cells and thus freshens up the whole body mechanism.
Production of new cells also enhances your immune system and helps you fight against various diseases like cancer, heart diseases and many more. So if you are between years of age and have more than 50 kg weight, you are eligible to donate blood.
However, if you are suffering from certain diseases like hypertension, essay on blood donation, diabetes, essay on blood donation or some other disease, you cannot donate blood as you may not be in sound health. Every year various blood donation campaigns are organized to create awareness on blood donation and many competitions are held in colleges to promote this noble cause.
Hence, blood donation is an important aspect of life and one must volunteer to donate blood whenever someone is in need. Healthy Food Essay. Morning Walk Essay.
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Blood Donation Essay -- Writing 250 Words (with subs)
, time: 1:54Importance of Blood Donation Essay or Essay on Blood Donation

Blood donation Essay gives us many benefits as follows: A person requires a lot of blood when he has a serious illness or accident, then too much blood gets lost from his body. But donating blood enhances their health status and removes their critical blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins Jun 01, · Given below is a long essay on Blood Donation of words and is suitable for the students of Classes 7, 8, 9, and 10 and a short piece of nearly words for the students of Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. We Celebrated World Blood Donor Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins Jun 04, · Blood Donation Essay. Blood donation is a charitable practice that is done to help individuals suffering from blood loss due to some illness or accident. Blood is the most important building block and fundamental component of a human body and its excessive loss from the body can lead to the death of a person if it is not transfused at the right blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins
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