Hypothesis-driven research does not necessarily constrain paradigm-shifting or "outside-the-box" research, nor does it necessarily mean sticking with the paradigm du jour. Paradigm-shifting and outside-the-box concepts can still lend themselves to focused hypotheses that can May 06, · Updates: The biosketch format page has been updated for application due dates and RPPR submissions on/after January 25, (See NOT-OD / NOT-OD for specific changes and details). Use the tabs to access the correct format page for your due date The government website where federal agencies post discretionary funding opportunities and grantees find and apply for them
Draft Specific Aims | NIH: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
The United States Public Health Service PHS is committed to achieving nationwide improvements in health for a society in which all people live long, healthy lives. The vision, mission, and goals are found in Healthy People external icona PHS-led national activity for setting priority areas to achieve better health in the United States by the year This FOA is closely linked to several overarching goals of Cdc grants research dissertation Peoplecdc grants research dissertation, with the intent to prevent diseases, injuries, and deaths due to working conditions.
The National Assessment of the Occupational Safety and Health Workforce pdf icon released in documents a significant shortfall in the supply of trained OSH professionals to meet current and future demand in the United States. The report provides evidence of the continued need to support OSH training and education in the core and allied OSH disciplines.
The Occupational Safety and Health Act of mandates that NIOSH provide an adequate supply of qualified personnel to carry out the cdc grants research dissertation of the Occupational Safety and Health Act. The purpose of this program is to support NIOSH TPGs, to address the burden of OSH in the United States by providing state-of-the-art training for the next generation of leaders in OSH practice and research.
TPGs play a significant role in preparing the future OSH workforce to respond to new challenges posed by the changing nature of work. These changes are the inevitable result of technological advances, cdc grants research dissertation, globalization, new and emerging risks, occupational health disparities associated with the changing demographics of the US workforce, and a myriad of other factors.
The majority of TPGs are in academic cdc grants research dissertation and provide well-trained graduates to meet the demand for a professional OSH workforce for federal, state, and local government agencies; not-for-profit agencies; industry; academia; business; healthcare; and labor organizations.
Several TPGs are non-academic programs that provide specialized training in OSH. NIOSH TPGs help translate scientific discoveries into practice through effective education, training, and outreach. TPG trainees and key personnel collaborate with stakeholders to develop innovative approaches to improving workplace safety and health, by the translation of research to practice and prevention through design. The Alaska Marine Safety Education Association external icon TPG project was designed to address the high fatality rate in commercial fishing by cdc grants research dissertation a national network of fishing cdc grants research dissertation instructors in a Marine Safety Instructor-Training MSIT course.
These instructors are home based in fishing ports around the US. These instructors then deliver Emergency Drill Conductor EDCStability and other required or soon-to-be-required safety courses to fishermen around the US. Its key focuses are the MPH ABET Accredited and the MS in IH, but doctoral level IH study is also available not NIOSH supportedand undergraduate Public Health students in the EOH track are exposed to IH course material.
The IH Program is administratively housed in the Environmental and Occupational Health Section of the College of Public Health, cdc grants research dissertation. The continuation of a high quality IH program in cdc grants research dissertation Southwest is important to meet the strong demand for well-trained occupational health professionals in a region of the US that is experiencing high growth.
This is the only such program in Arizona and there are no IH programs in the neighboring states of New Mexico and Nevada. Furthermore, the southwest is the home of the majority of the metal and non-metal mining in the US which is an inherently dangerous industry, made more hazardous by the downturn in metallic mineral prices and the accompanying layoffs, cdc grants research dissertation. IH and EOH are fundamental parts of our national public health system. NIOSH funds a unique TPG in an Emergency Responder Training Program through the International Association of Fire Fighters external icon IAFF.
This grant supports a comprehensive nationwide hazardous substance training program for fire fighters, paramedics, and other emergency responders across the United States.
The IAFF has had a long-standing relationship with NIOSH since ; the IAFF has conducted 2, training deliveries, trained over 62, students, and logged 1, contact hours. Under NIOSH funding, the IAFF currently delivers the following training: Emergency Response to Terrorism—Operations ERT-OpsERT-Ops Train-the-Trainer, ERT-Ops Refresher, Confined Space Rescue, Hazardous Materials Operations — Technician TechTech Train-the-Trainer, First Responder Operations FROIllicit Drug Labs, Infectious Diseases, and Chemical Process Industries, cdc grants research dissertation.
This TPG supports the training of qualified engineers who will be prepared to enter occupational safety and health OSH careers in New York State and the surrounding region, cdc grants research dissertation.
Specific objectives of the program include: 1 to provide a high-quality, comprehensive OSH education to the trainees, and 2 to prepare graduates for the challenges faced by safety professionals through practical field experience and professional development activities. The program is significant because it trains MS degree-level engineers in hazard recognition and injury prevention, cdc grants research dissertation, supporting a proactive approach to safety solutions including prevention through design initiatives.
The program includes a curriculum that covers a breadth of OSH topics, OSHA certification training, a required safety internship, cdc grants research dissertation, and a mentored capstone field project experience, which prepare graduates to enter the OSH workforce. Trainees regularly participate in professional development activities and engage with local safety professionals.
The cdc grants research dissertation benefits from a strong collaboration between the Industrial and Systems Engineering Cdc grants research dissertation, the Toxicology Research Center, and the Atlantic OSHA Training Center.
Faculty cdc grants research dissertation work closely with the trainees in the courses, during the internship, and while advising their capstone project. Since its inception inthe program has been successful in recruiting a diverse trainee population and producing safety professionals who have continued to careers in government, industry, and academia. The Occupational Health Psychology OHP graduate training program at the University of Connecticut UConn is designed to recruit and train highly qualified and diverse graduate students from areas of psychology, public health and nursing to become PhD researchers capable of conducting multi-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary research focusing on the behavioral aspects of occupational health.
All trainees complete a graduate seminar that covers principles of behavioral science, cdc grants research dissertation, ergonomics and epidemiology and requires development of a multidisciplinary research proposal.
Research-wise, they complete a minimum of three credits of applied field or lab research, cdc grants research dissertation, master- and dissertation-level research, and participate in faculty research labs. This enables trainees to realize the true potential of trans-disciplinary occupational health research to meet both regional and national needs. Trainees go on to jobs in academia, industry, consulting firms and government. These programs have been funded by NIOSH since The mission of the program is to train work environment professionals and conduct research on the identification and evaluation of safety and health hazards and the design of safe and efficient alternatives, promoting the development of healthy and sustainable workplaces.
This mission is guided by an overarching vision to design and promote systems of production that are environmentally-sound, safe, healthy and rewarding for workers, communities, and consumers, cdc grants research dissertation. Meharry Medical College external icon is the largest, private, historically black institution exclusively dedicated to educating health care professional and biomedical scientists.
The only occupational medicine residency program in a HBCU in the US is at Meharry Medical College. The Occupational Medicine Residency program is a 2 year institutional program that supports the completion of residency requirements cdc grants research dissertation occupational medicine, cdc grants research dissertation. The program has maintained continued full accreditation since and is currently accredited until In addition, residents are required to take courses in Occupational health, occupational toxicology and Industrial Hygiene.
The practicum phase comprises both didactic and applied components. The overall goal of the practicum year is to train the resident in the practice of occupational medicine, cdc grants research dissertation. This occurs by providing supervised application of the knowledge, skills and attitudes of occupational medicine gained.
Millersville University MU is one of 14 universities in the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education. Millersville University offers an undergraduate, cdc grants research dissertation, ABET-accredited, degree program in Occupational Safety and Environmental Health OSEH.
The program currently enrolls students and graduates approximately 35 students annually. The main goals of the TPG are to: 1 provide tuition and fees support to qualified students in the OSEH program, 2 help in recruitment and retention of qualified minority and underrepresented students, and 3 supplement student and faculty travel to professional conferences identified by NIOSH as essential to program objectives.
The members are charged with the responsibility to provide leadership, cdc grants research dissertation, program assessment and guidance through their active engagement in the ongoing refinement of the OSEH curriculum. All students covered under this program are pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in OSEH. Admission to MU is granted without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, age, handicap, marital status or lifestyle.
The laboratory facilities dedicated to the OSEH program include separate areas dedicated to safety engineering, fire prevention and control, industrial hygiene, and ergonomics. Montana Tech conducts three NIOSH—sponsored training programs under a single grant. An undergraduate program leads to a B.
degree in Occupational Safety and Health OSH. There are two graduate programs leading to an M. degree in Industrial Hygiene IH.
One IH program is conducted on campus and the other is offered through distance delivery. The three programs are housed in the Safety, Health and Industrial Hygiene SHIH Department.
Seven faculty members in the department are substantially involved in teaching and research in cdc grants research dissertation, health, and industrial hygiene. The undergraduate OSH curriculum provides a comprehensive education to develop graduates with capability for serving as exceptional safety and health professionals as well as contributing to society in general.
It is accredited by the Applied Science Accreditation Commission of ABET, cdc grants research dissertation. The first two years of the program focus on foundation disciplines including general chemistry, college physics, calculus, organic chemistry, statistics and English composition.
Humanities and social sciences are distributed throughout the four year curriculum. With the exception of one freshman introductory class, OSH courses are in the second through fourth years of the program. Of the total hours in the curriculum, cdc grants research dissertation, at least 48 credits are OSH courses.
The graduate programs aim to develop exceptional IH professionals. The curriculums provide a full range of IH courses and supporting electives.
The on-campus program requires 37 credit hours consisting of 28 lecture courses, two hours of graduate seminar, six hours of thesis research and a one-hour technical writing seminar. A thesis or publishable paper is required and defended at an oral examination. The distance delivery program also requires 37 credit hours consisting of 34 lecture courses and a capstone written and oral comprehensive exam.
Students in the distance delivery program may sit for the exam during the last semester of coursework. One of the courses in the distance delivery program, Sampling and Evaluation of Health Hazards, requires a one week residency in the summer. The NIOSH grant provides funds for valuable program enhancement, primarily through scholarships for on campus students. Additional enhancements include student travel, faculty development, and partial summer salary for program enrichment by program managers.
NIOSH support unquestionably enhances program quality and recognition. The purpose of the Murray State University external icon training program is to strengthen the academic and professional preparation of our undergraduate and graduate-level students in occupational safety and health, cdc grants research dissertation.
The primary focus is as follows. The University of North Alabama UNA Industrial Hygiene IH Program was created in the late s in response to the passage of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of It is currently one of four baccalaureate programs in the US accredited by ABET.
The UNA IH Program offers a double major in IH and general chemistry. This dual-track configuration has been commended by ABET evaluators and employers of UNA graduates. The academic program at UNA prepares professionals for entry-level positions and graduate studies in the field of IH and Occupational Safety and has earned a reputation for graduating a pool of qualified industrial hygienist who are providing valuable services to workers and employers in this geographical region and beyond.
The curriculum contains a central component of industrial hygiene and general chemistry with additions in allied disciplines of occupational safety and environmental compliance. The program offers nine lecture and three laboratory courses in occupational health and safety and one lecture course in environmental regulations.
It is designed to serve a set of educational objectives and program outcomes that were established in consultation with members of the Program Advisory Board, cdc grants research dissertation, alumni practicing in the Occupational, Environmental, Health and Cdc grants research dissertation field, and some employers of UNA graduates.
The program outcomes also comply with general and specific criteria established by ASAC of ABET for applied science programs in industrial hygiene.
The Association of Occupational and Environmental Clinics has a unique TPG through its Occupational Health Internship Program external icon OHIP. The primary goal of the OHIP is to recruit and provide training for the next generation of occupational health professionals. Over the course of the summer internship, each OHIP trainee gains an understanding of the following three training objectives that underlie the program:.
The second goal of OHIP is to increase diversity in the occupational health disciplines by actively recruiting and mentoring students from minority and cdc grants research dissertation backgrounds including underrepresented minorities URM, cdc grants research dissertation.
URM individuals are those racial and ethnic populations that are underrepresented in the public health profession relative to their numbers in the general population. The long term objectives of the Ohio State University external icon program are to 1 increase the number of engineers who understand that they have a direct effect on the safety of workers who work with the equipment and work systems engineers design, and 2 increase the number of engineers who choose to go into applied or research positions in the area of occupational safety and health.
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May 06, · Updates: The biosketch format page has been updated for application due dates and RPPR submissions on/after January 25, (See NOT-OD / NOT-OD for specific changes and details). Use the tabs to access the correct format page for your due date Graduate and Professional students enrolled for Fall who are experiencing exceptional financial need as a result of the COVID pandemic are now able to apply for an emergency financial aid grant from the University’s Higher Education Emergency Relief (HEERF) III allocation Hypothesis-driven research does not necessarily constrain paradigm-shifting or "outside-the-box" research, nor does it necessarily mean sticking with the paradigm du jour. Paradigm-shifting and outside-the-box concepts can still lend themselves to focused hypotheses that can
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