· Introduction – this is an important part of any research summary which provides necessary context (the literature review) that helps introduce readers into the subject (by presenting the current state of investigation, an important concept or definition, etc.) In this chapter, you’ll learn to summarize a long article, essay, research paper, report, or a book chapter with the help of helpful tips, a logical approach, and a little bit of creativity. Here are some methods to let you create a fantastic summary A literature review is a document or section of a document that collects key sources on a topic and discusses those sources in conversation with each other (also called synthesis). The lit review is an important genre in many disciplines, not just literature (i.e., the study of works of literature such as novels and plays). When we say “literature review” or refer to “the literature,” we are talking about
Literature Review Examples - A Guide to Writing
Research articles usually use standard formats to communicate in a clear manner any kind of information regarding an experiment. A good research article would usually contain a title, an abstract, an introduction, the methodology, the results, a discussion, and some references. When you have to write a summary of the research paper, you will need to know how to proceed from start to finish.
Every detail is important if you want to come up with a good article summary in a due course. A custom research paper writing service is of great help, but here's how you do it on your own.
If you want to make a review that you can, later on, read again and remind yourself of the content of the article, you may want to make your summary a slighter longer one. However, if the summary was written with the purpose of being included in a paper that you are currently writing, you may want to stick to how that certain article relates to your paper. Before you start reading the entire article, you need to scan it for content first. Briefly, go over the article and look at each of its sections to find:.
When scanning with the purpose of writing summary papers, each key sentence should be underlined or written in the margin of the article. The abstract may be able to help identify some of the points; still, you cannot rely solely on it since the information is very condensed and you can miss certain key aspects.
Once you finished scanning your article, you need to read it thoroughly next. Take each section and read it several times, considering your highlighted notes. As you read with the purpose of writing a summary for the research paper, how to summarize a research articles for literature review, ask yourself the following questions:. When you feel like you can explain this study to someone else who has yet to read the article, then you are ready to start writing about it.
Be careful to take notes in your own words so that you can avoid plagiarism in your summary papers. Just like the abstract, the purpose of a summary for the research paper will be to give the audience a brief overview of what that study says. You will need to find out what information is relevant and explain it briefly but thoroughly. All first drafts of your summary papers should follow the order of the original article. Having said that, the structure would look something like this:. This first draft of writing the summary for the research paper should be focused on content rather than length.
The chances are that it will need further condensing, but that will be left for the next step. Most of the time, a research summary will end up being too long and will need further condensing. Try to avoid any generalities, and keep your summary papers concise, focused.
At the same time, the paper will need to be edited for style your readers need to be able to understand you. To make it look smart, you need to:.
If you properly determine your focus and then scan and read your research articles, you can definitely manage to write and edit your summary paper in a way that will come nothing short of perfection, how to summarize a research articles for literature review. Cookies are used here so we can continue to provide the excellent service.
If you had read and agreed to our Cookie Policy press OK. Summarizing a Research Article in 5 Steps. Home Blog Summarizing a Research Article in 5 Steps. Scan the Article Before you start reading the entire article, you need to scan it for content first. Briefly, go over the article and look at each of its sections to find: The reason for doing the research and the question stated usually found in the introduction The hypothesis or hypotheses that were tested in the article also in the introduction How they tested the hypothesis found in the methodology How to summarize a research articles for literature review the findings were look for them in the results How those findings were interpreted found in the discussion When scanning with the purpose of writing summary papers, each key sentence should be underlined or written in the margin of the article.
Read the Article Once you finished scanning your article, you need to read it thoroughly next. As you read with the purpose of writing a summary for the research paper, ask yourself the following questions: How does the how to summarize a research articles for literature review address the issues of the research?
What is the contribution of this study in answering the main question? Are the results convincing or surprising? What aspects did they still leave unanswered? Write the Summary Just like the abstract, the purpose of a summary for the research paper will be to give the audience a brief overview of what that study says.
State the hypotheses that were tested. Describe the methods in a few paragraphs participants, design, procedure, materials, independent and dependent variables, how they analyzed the data Talk about the results and explain why they were significant. The results and their interpretation should be directly related to the hypothesis. Edit Your Summary Most of the time, a research summary will end up being too long and will need further condensing. Subscribe to our blog, how to summarize a research articles for literature review.
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How to Summarize an Academic Article in 4 Simple Steps
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· Introduction – this is an important part of any research summary which provides necessary context (the literature review) that helps introduce readers into the subject (by presenting the current state of investigation, an important concept or definition, etc.) · Organize the literature review around key topics of concepts. Use headings or topic sentences to convey your organizational principle. Tell a story about the research. This will assist you with your organization How to Write the Literature Summary. First thing to know is that the research paper comes with several parts so it would help if you would have an idea on how to condense all of them into your summary. As you also know, your should summary of main points and all the relevant mentioned by the author to have a comprehensive literature review summary
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