Career Reflection Essay. Words3 Pages. Olivia McCarthy Foundations for Learning September 9, Reflection Paper #1 Upon being asked about my future, I have always been met with anxiety and fear of such unknown. Growing up, as more and more of my peers developed their specific interests and even revealed desired career choices, I only felt lost in terms of what I wished to purse A reflective paper example is a lot like a personal journal or diary. Of course, the difference is that other people will read your essay. Therefore, you must write it with good structure and coherence. In this regard, reflective essays are a lot like the other types of essays too Work Experience: My Reflection By During my work experience at, I was fortunate enough to have experienced firsthand and learned, many different sides of what goes into a project, the general process
Career Plan Reflection Paper - Term Paper
Olivia McCarthy Foundations for Learning September 9, Reflection Paper career reflection paper example Upon being asked about my future, I have always been met with anxiety and fear of such unknown. Growing up, as more and more of my peers developed their specific interests and even revealed desired career choices, I only felt lost in terms of what I wished to purse.
I have come to realize that it is much less anxiety provoking, however, if I view this matter on a smaller scale. After all, I do have aspirations and goals that I strive to achieve on a short-term basis. In order to do so, I know that I must alter my High School studying stills into productive habits. As described in the textbook, instead of briskly highlighting text for required reading, I see myself analyzing the information, taking notes in the margins, as well as looking up any information that I am unfamiliar with.
This will not only benefit my academic grades, career reflection paper example, but will also enforce self-discipline and a positive work ethic. Being career reflection paper example with asking questions and speaking up when I do not understand a certain topic is essential in developing this relationship. As well as focusing on academics, I also believe that in the future I will expand my social experiences. Familiarizing myself with diversity and broadening my horizons is in my opinion important to act upon.
In turn, I will be able to do the same for them. Around the end of my sophomore year, I see myself narrowing down a career choice. After taking many different courses during previous years here at Bryant, I see that I finally figure out my purpose and I am confident with my specific decision.
As this realization hits, I see myself getting into and working hard in graduate school in order to further my studies before entering the work force. Upon choosing a career I see myself with a comfortable income, career reflection paper example, independent, in a very positive disposition, career reflection paper example. After I am able to be financially stable and independent, I see myself meeting my future life partner and settling down.
I see this person as being not only my romantic partner, but also my best friend and most reliable support system. Starting a healthy, comfortable family would follow shortly. I see myself living in a beautiful home close to the beach, with my partner and a few children.
I see myself maintaining physical health and attractive appearance by remaining active and taking care of my body. With my family I also see opportunities to travel around the world and experience vastly different things in their company. Continuing my passion at work and developing new friendships, opportunities for adventure and self satisfaction would be merely a few more accomplishments I see myself achieving throughout the rest of my healthy, long-lasting life.
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· $ for a 2-page paper Conventional occupations follow set procedures and routines, and social occupations work with, communicate with, and teach people. The BCOM/ program has provided me with many practical applications I can use to attain my career interest goals Career Plan Reflection Paper Career Plan Reflection Paper: After completing the Career Plan on the University Of Phoenix Career website my results were as follows. The career profiled deemed me as enterprising, realistic and social. The website defines enterprising as frequently involving starting up and carrying out projects Work Experience: My Reflection By During my work experience at, I was fortunate enough to have experienced firsthand and learned, many different sides of what goes into a project, the general process
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